Thornton Academy News

  • Upper School
Construction to impact parking: please review policies

As construction on our new field house ramps up, the fenced-in parking area adjacent to the stadium and baseball field will be closed beginning Monday, October 14.

To ensure a safe and smooth experience for everyone on campus, we’re reminding students about our parking policies.

Parking Permits
All Junior and Senior students who wish to park on campus are required to obtain a parking permit that must be displayed in the vehicle at all times. Failure to do so may result in a citation or loss of parking privileges.  Students who have not picked up their pass by next Friday, October 18, will forfeit the pass.

Designated Parking Areas
Students may park only in designated student parking areas. Parking in staff, visitor, or restricted zones is prohibited. Please remind your student parks in the correct lot (in green boxes on the map below) to avoid penalties:

  • Remaining student parking spots in the Stadium parking lot.
  • Parking along the retention pond and outlined row by Nelson Hall.
  • Gym parking lot.  

Speed Limits and Safety
The speed limit in all parking lots is strictly enforced for the safety of pedestrians and drivers alike. Please follow all posted signs and drive cautiously at all times.

Unauthorized Vehicles
Vehicles parked without a valid permit, or those parked in unauthorized areas, are subject to towing at the owner’s expense. Please ensure your student’s vehicle is registered with the school and parked in the appropriate area.

Respect for Others
Be mindful of other vehicles and pedestrians when parking and driving in school lots. Parking spaces are limited, so please park efficiently within the lines and do not block other vehicles or access routes.

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Affairs office.