Thornton Academy News

TA Artists Selected for Juried Art Exhibition

Molly Rea '18 and Lucy Freeman '18 will each have artwork on display and for sale at the 3rd annual Casco Bay Artisans (AKA: CBA) Fine Art Gallery Juried Student Art Exhibition!

CBA is located at 8 Commercial Street, Building A, in Portland. The show will be opening on April 6th and closing on April 11th, and there will be an opening reception from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM on April 6th. This exhibit is free and open to the public - show your support by attending the opening reception and/or seeing this exhibit!

Congratulations Molly and Lucy!

Molly Rea, Acrylic on Canvas, "Ethan's Eagle"

Lucy Freeman, Acrylic on Canvas Board, "Heal To Toe Triptych"