
Teacher Recommendation Form

Student Information

Current Graderequired

Teacher Information


Recommendation Information

This student has applied for admission to Thornton Academy, an independent private school for boarding and day students. So that this student may receive full consideration, please provide us with information about the applicant as a student and a person.

Please consider this candidate in relation to others in their age group whom you have known. Check the box that best describes this candidate's performance in your classes. If you have no basis for judgment in a particular area feel free to leave the field blank:

Academic Potential
Academic Achievement
Intellectual Curiosity; Creativity
Effort; Determination
Ability to work independently
Willingness to Take Intellectual Risks
Concern for Others
Honesty ; Integrity
Overall Evaluation as a Student
I recommend this student for admission to Thornton Academyrequired

three students smiling in the dining commons