Culture Clubs
classics club
Thornton Academy's Classics Club is open to any student who has an interest in any aspect of the worlds of ancient Greece and Rome. Experience with Latin or ancient Greek is not required. Members gather to eat, watch movies, compete in certamina (contests), and just hang out with folks with similar interests. Favorite activities in the past have been visits to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and participation in the Latin conventions put on twice a year by the Maine Junior Classical League.
arabic club
Even if you didn't join an Arabic class, you are welcome to join Arabic Club and learn more about the culture in most Arabic speaking countries through cooking, listening to music, movies, activities, field trip. Plus, we will definitely share and prepare together our awesome recipes and delicious food.
French club
The Thornton Academy French Club explores cultures in French-speaking countries around the world. We make crepes, watch movies, listen to music, visit museums and learn about cool new places. Join us, even if you're not in a French class!
german club
Whether it’s watching German movies, playing board games, or cooking German recipes together, TA’s German Club is doing something exciting after school. All are welcome, even if you aren’t in a German class. Kommt mit!
chinese club
Join Chinese Club to learn more about the culture and language and to help organize the annual Lunar New Year festival. Popular activities include calligraphy, learning to make dumplings and other Chinese foods, and watching Chinese movies.
spanish club
Over 20 countries in the world are Spanish-speaking. Join Spanish club to learn the culture, food, games, movies, music, and more about these countries and Spanish speakers in the United States. Ole!
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table top gamers club
This group plays all sorts of card games, board games, and role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Risk, Yu'Gi'Oh!, Magic the Gathering, or anything you want to bring in or run!
Expand your world through your passions
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