You could be a winner!

Purchase Raffle Tickets for the 17th Annual Thornton Fund Auction

Thornton Academy’s only fundraising event, the Thornton Fund Auction, supports critical programming, expands academic opportunities, provides free breakfast and lunch for students in-need, and enhances campus life. 

Thanks to supporters like you, Thornton Academy’s auction continues to be a success year after year helping support students to
Be Who They Are, and Become Who They Want to Be.

Virtual auction with online bidding: May 13-17.  
Live, in-person auction: May 18, starting at 5:30pm

Purchase a Raffle Ticket
Enter for your chance to win one of our 7 generous cash prizes of $1,000 (5), $5,000 (1) or $10,000 (1) ! A limit of 500 tickets will be sold. Raffle drawings are on Saturday, May 18, during the in-person event.

Want to join in the fun? You can purchase tickets in-person at our Development Office, from 8 am - 3 pm, Monday - Friday. 

Questions? Email We can even deliver locally!

You must be 18 years of age to participate. Ticket holders are not required to be present at the event to win.

Thanks to our Raffle sponsor, Jim Godbout Plumbing & Heating.

Read Raffle information sheet here